

PIRT & BPOM service refers to the process of obtaining PIRT (Produk Industri Rumah Tangga) certification and BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) registration in Indonesia. PIRT certification is necessary for home industries producing food and beverages to ensure compliance with safety and hygiene standards. BPOM registration, on the other hand, is required for products such as drugs, cosmetics, and traditional medicines to ensure their safety, quality, and efficacy. This service typically involves guiding businesses through the complex regulatory requirements, documentation, and procedures to obtain these certifications and registrations, enabling them to legally manufacture and distribute their products in Indonesia.


Experienced Team

Team of professionals with proven track record.


Tailored Solution

Crafting solutions that align with your objectives.


Dedicated Suport

We are here to assist you to reach your goal.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions regarding licensing and company setup (PT/CV) or any other services that we provide, suggestions or complaints, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be very happy to serve your request as soon as possible.

    Prime-consultant.id is a company engaged in licensing services for establishment of companies such as PT, CV/Firma, and PMA.  Since 2021, prime-consultant.id has helped dozens of entrepreneurs to establish company in Indonesia. prime-consultant.id is determined to be the entrance Forefront for anyone who wants to start a business in Indonesia.
